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How to increse CellHeight dynamically of DayPilot Calendar Control in Week view?

Asked by Anonymous
15 years ago.

We have added daypilot Calendar control as given below

<DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="dpcReportingSchedule" runat="server" Days="7" HeaderDateFormat="dddd"
DataValueField="ReportingScheduleID" DataStartField="StartDate" DataEndField="EndDate" HeightSpec="Fixed"
EventClickHandling="JavaScript" EventClickJavaScript="openReportPopup(e,sessionTimeout);" StartDate="2007-01-07"
Height="240" CellHeight="10" HeaderFontSize="8pt" HeaderHeight="15" HourFontSize="12pt"
Width="100%" TimeFormat="Clock24Hours" OnBeforeEventRender="dpcReportingSchedule_BeforeEventRender">

some of the text is not visible due to fixed cellheight, we tried to change font in "BeforeEventRender" but it's again not working if text is too long. Please suggest how this can be achieved?

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