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EventClickHandling="Bubble" failed when single quote is rended in event and encoded data decoded before render

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.


in IE8, Firefox 3.5.1 a error occurs when trigging the bubble pop up from the dp cal 5.6 if the data contains a single quote

This still happens event if I do a e.InnerHTML = e.InnerHTML.Replace("'", "") in daypilotcalendar1_BeforeEventRender
Removing it from the DB fixes the issue. The error from this issue is shown at the end of the message

The 2nd issue is I encoded the string which converted the ' to ' but when you check the rendered source dp cal seams to have decoded it before rendering back to a single quote.

Error: missing ) after argument list
Source File: http://localhost:3975/CollegeCalendar2/WebResource.axd?d=SzS21G7o0Tt46Uc6UCosTJWO8ujGdZKVpdDJy01SSTe-z0ESYyjvaiV3iiAcjfTI0&t=633844592151572172
Line: 2, Column: 164
Source Code:'EVE:ctl00%24ContentPlaceHolder1%24Calendar1%24daypilotcalendar1&%7B%22value%22%3A%22611582%22%2C%22text%22%3A%22Provisonal%20Booking%20-%20Firstname%20O'Keefe%22%2C%22start%22%3A%222009-09-11T09%3A00%3A00%22%2C%22end%22%3A%222009-09-11T13%3A00%

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