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Daypilot for Java: Pass paramteres to Backend

Asked by Bogdan
15 years ago.

How do I pass parameters to public class AXBackend extends org.daypilot.core.Backend from jsp page? Header field has only 1 String field called Control and it is always set to "dpc" (in Calendar case).

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

Do you mean the "data" parameter from the xxCallBack methods [e.g. eventClickCallBack(e, data)]?

This wasn't available until now. I've added a new property called Data to the Header property. So you are now able to reach it from your AXBackend using the following call:

JSONObject data = getHeader().getData();

An updated build will be available soon.

Comment posted by Bogdan
14 years ago.

Thanks, Dan.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

Please check build 1.0.44:

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