This is the CreateEvent function
function createEvent(start, end, resource) {
alert("Inside Create Start = " & start.toString & " End = " & end.toString & " Resource = " & resource.toString);
// var url = "New.aspx?start=" + start.toStringSortable() + "&end=" + end.toStringSortable() + "&r=" + resource;
// dlg.setContentUrl(url);
// }
And here is the Schedule
<DayPilot:DayPilotScheduler ID="MySchd" runat="server"
Days="7" Height="350" Width = "100%" EventHeight="32"
StartDate="2009-08-01" CellWidth="50" CellDuration="1440"
FreeTimeClickHandling="JavaScript" FreeTimeClickJavaScript="createEvent(start, end, column);"
EventClickHandling="PostBack" OnEventClick="MySchd_EventClick" >
When I click on a Free Event, it throws "start" is undefined error. Can anyone help where am I going wrong. I don't get from where will the start, end, column get it s value like this. If I run in postback and retrieve values of start as e.Start..., and provide details, then its showing proper results.
In the HotelRoom tutorial also I looked a lot but couldn't get how is it getting the details and working andwhy not working in my code.
Please help me.