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How to get parent resource id

Asked by Sathiya
10 years ago.


I'm using daypilot scheduier. Dynamically i'm creating the resource tree .

My code is like below

Resource res = new Resource(StoreName, StoreID);
res.ChildrenLoaded = true;

child = new Resource(Productname, ProductID.ToString(), true);
res.ChildrenLoaded = true;
res.Expanded = true;

Loading the Stores, then loads the product for that store.

Now i'm creating the event for the product. I'm using javascript to create event TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript="createEvent(start, end, column)", this opens the popup. here i can get the product id from the column. How can i get the product id also from the parent. I'm new to daypilot scheduler.

Kindly help me on this.


Comment posted by anwar
10 years ago.

hi did you manage to figure this out i am also stuck on the same problem

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