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Two daypilot schedulers on one page. Render problem??

Asked by Rob Janssen
15 years ago.

Hi All,

For a current project, I have to scheduler on one page. Each scheduler is is stored in an Update panel.

When one scheduler is modified and the current Update Panel is updated. We can see that the second scheduler is also refreshed. How can we prevent that the second scheduler is re-rendered?

Kind regards,
Rob Janssen

Comment posted by Rob Janssen
14 years ago.

Could anyone help me with this????



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

You should make sure that the UpdatePanel has UpdateMode="Conditional" attribute. By default all the UpdatePanels on a page are always updated.

For a working example of using DayPilot Calendar with UpdatePanel I recommend checking Calendar Tutorial: SQL Server, UpdatePanel, ModalPopupExtender. A similar tutorial for the Scheduler control will be available soon.

Apologies for the delay!

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