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Resources are not expandable in 8.1SP6 when resource.Expanded is set to false

Asked by Chris
9 years ago.


I tried to replace DayPilot sandbox build 3492 with the SP6.
When I add resources to the scheduler I set the Expanded property of some to false,
depending on values in an xml file. After that the resources where Expanded=false
are not expandable anymore.

They look like they have no child resources. Debugging showed the resources have the correct children.

Can you confirm this behavior? Unfortunately this is crucial for the application I'm dealing with.
The only thing I changed was DayPilot. Going back to build 3492 fixes the problem.

I will try and build a mini project showing the behavior.

Kind regards

Comment posted by Chris
9 years ago.

Okay, I got a project showing the problem.

Two resources are added, each with two children. One has expanded=false, one has expanded=true.
The one with expanded=false is not expandable and the image for no children is loaded.

How can I add that to this thread?
On my initial post I had a choice to upload something. :)

Kind regards

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

I confirm the bug. It should be fixed now in the latest sandbox build (8.1.3503):

A SP with the fix will be released shortly.

> On my initial post I had a choice to upload something. :)

Unfortunately it's only possible to attach files with the question at the moment...

Comment posted by Chris
9 years ago.

Thanks Dan.

I'll keep that in mind when asking the next question. ;)

Kind regards

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