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TimeRange Click event not received with Opera

Asked by JFC
16 years ago.
With Opera browser, when using: TimeRangeSelectedHandling="JavaScript" TimeRangeSelectedJavaScript="newEvent(start, end, column);" the newEvent function is nerver called when user clicks on a free range I suppose it's a problem from Opera itself ?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
DayPilot is not tested with Opera (yet). That means there might be a few issues like this. There are differences between the browsers and 80% of the DayPilot JavaScript code is for handling those differences (it requires obscure div wrapping, false borders created by coloring the background and leaving a 1px margin, etc.). Fixing such compatibility issues can involve changing a single line but it can mean rewriting half of the code as well.

I would like to add full Opera support for the future but there is no specific plan yet.
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