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DayPilotCalendar HeaderHeightAutoFit not working sometimes inTabContainer is an ASP.NET AJAX Control

Asked by Anonymous
11 years ago.

I have two DayPilotCalendars in a page. One for this week and one for next week.
They were in TabContainers of AJAX Control.
This week is in TabContainer1 and next week is in TabContainer2.
The ActiveTabIndex="0"
I have set both DayPilotCalendar HeaderHeightAutoFit to true.

After the page is loaded, the HeaderHeightAutoFit for this week works. But when I click next week, it does not work.

If I set The ActiveTabIndex="1", Next week HeaderHeightAutoFit works and this week doesn't work.

Comment posted by Anonymous
11 years ago.

Also I use HeaderDateFormat="D" for both calendars

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

This doesn't work on controls that are hidden when the init code is executed.

You can run the auto-fit manually by calling autoHeaderHeight() method (hook the tab switching event).

The same applies to setting the scrollbar position, by the way. There is a chance that it will be possible to fix this by detecting when the calendar becomes visible but it's not implemented yet.

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