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the calendar has an issue in ie8 mode

Asked by Daniel
8 years ago.

i implement the calendar via DayPilotPro-8.1.3487
and my customer still use win7 + ie8.
they told me, the calendar has a bug under ie8
open the page, and that page include the calendar, it works.
click the other weeks(the next week or other week) via navigator
the time line wrong. it not move if you move the scroll bar

i think chrome, firefox and edge works. but ie8 and ie9(in some case) do not work

could you please let me know how to fix that?

Thank you

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

This issue should be fixed now in the latest build (8.1.3504). You can download it in the sandbox:

Just note that DayPilot is not supported on IE8 and previous IE versions anymore and it won't receive IE8-related fixes in the future.

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