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How to apply a theme to a day pilot day resource view

Asked by Anonymous
11 years ago.

I have a day pilot in my own master page site using a default them and I would like to change the look in particular to the windows 8 theme, but I cannot seem to get the schedular to pick it up.

In case it was my site, I downloaded the demo project you provide for the daypilot pro but I still cannot get the Day Schedular.aspx to to use any of the various themes, it always seems to display in the classic look.

I would appreciate some pointers as I need to know if I can change the look before a meeting with a client next week, I dont to buy the Pro version if this particular resource view cant change.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

In the Lite version, CSS themes are only supported in version 4 and higher:

In both Pro and Lite, you need to follow these steps:

1. Include the theme css file (e.g. scheduler_8.css)
2. Set DayPilotScheduler.CssOnly = true
3. Set DayPilotScheduler.CssClassPrefix = "scheduler_8"

See also:

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