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My big font size text cannot display all text because timing is too short.

Asked by Jordjmax
10 years ago.

Etc for the event that is shown on the screenshot, It should be St Nicks Girls School infocomm Club, Booked by mark lee. But it only show St Nicks Girl School because the font size is too big. My teacher wants it to make it big, so i make it big. I hope can make it scrollable for that event so I can scroll down and see the rest of the words. How to do it? Below are my source codes.

<DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar ID="DayPilotCalendar1" runat="server"
EventMoveHandling="CallBack" BackColor="#0066FF" BusinessBeginsHour="8"
BusinessEndsHour="19" CssOnly="False" EventBackColor="#66FF99"
HourBorderColor="Lime" HourHalfBorderColor="#0066FF"
HourNameBackColor="#6699FF" HourNameBorderColor="#0066FF" HoverColor="#0066FF"
style="top: 29px; left: -2px; margin-right: 6px;" DayEndsHour="6"
HeaderDateFormat="dddd" StartDate="2014-03-24" CellHeight="40"
EventFontSize="20pt" onbeforeeventrender="DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeEventRender"

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
10 years ago.

You can insert custom HTML into the event cell so it will add a scrollbar (see overflow: auto).

You can also increase the cell height using CellHeight property.

See also:

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