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Daypilot recurrence events error

Asked by requirer
8 years ago.

down vote

I have used the recurrence feature used by daypilot calendar as following :

protected void Calendar_BeforeEventRecurrence(DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Calendar.BeforeEventRecurrenceEventArgs e)

e.Rule = RecurrenceRule.FromDateTime(e.Value, e.Start).Weekly().Times(10);


but I'm getting an error : An entry with the same key already exists

I have also used the other way, the column where I store my rule . the rule is successfully saved but then in the databind of the calendar I get the same error as above which is An entry with the same key already exists

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

Can you please post the stack trace of the exception?

This looks like you are trying to store a new record with an existing ID in a place where unique IDs are enforced. It's not clear whether it comes from the database or from a DataSet/DataTable.

I'm not sure if you use BeforeEventRecurrence intentionally - this event is used for mapping rules stored using a custom mechanism (such as a special DB column with your own syntax) to DayPilot rules. If you use the DayPilot recurrence encoding implementation you typically don't need to use it (and you use DataRecurrenceField instead).

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