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Weekend Non-Business hour Colouration

Asked by Kenny
17 years ago.

I'm using the free version of Daypilot.

I have set the start date and end date to cover one week, but can't see how to set the colour of the weekend days to be different to that of the weekdays.

Kind regards,

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I'll fix it in the next release of DayPilot Lite (
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
I thought you were asking for weekends being colored by NonBusinessBackColor. I checked the source when preparing DayPlot Lite 2.2 and it was already working this way.

If you need custom business hours you need to modify the DayPilot Lite source code or switch to DayPilot Pro (the Pro edition supports custom business hours rules).
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