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selecting a date in the navigator

Asked by Tony
1 month ago.


using web form ASP.NET, How can I programmatically select a date in the navigator?

What happens is if I select a date using the mouse, the navigator and the daypilotcalendar are refreshed.

but If I programmatically set the start date to today the daypilotcalendar is refreshed to today but navigator still has the yellow selection on the previously selected date

case "refresh":

DayPilotNavigator1.StartDate = DateTime.Today;

DayPilotCalendarDay.DataSource = GetData(DayPilotCalendarDay.StartDate, DayPilotCalendarDay.EndDate.AddDays(1));




Thank you

Answer posted by Tony
1 month ago.

I was able to manually select the current date in javascript inside the form using Date());


Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 month ago.

Thanks for posting your solution!

On the server side, you can change the selection by setting the SelectionStart value.

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