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Including the scheduler daypilot into a directive with isolated scope

Asked by Neculita Irinel
7 years ago.

We are currently testing the scheduler component and stumbled upon this issue:
How can I get access to scope.dp inside the directive in which I declared the scheduler directive?
Right now I have something like this (using camel case, instead of the dash, because the dash is treated as a bullet point):
<daypilotScheduler id="dp" daypilot-config="schedulerConfig" daypilot-events="events" ></daypilotScheduler>

The customDirective has an isolated scope and I think it prevents access to the daypilot scheduler object. All the other functionalities, that don't imply the use of scope.dp, work. Any help is appreciated.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
7 years ago.

Since version 8.2 ( the scheduler supports "publish-as" attribute which lets you specify the target for the DayPilot.Scheduler object.

You can see it in action in the "Controller As" example:

The AngularJS Scheduler documentation is now updated to include this attribute:

Let me know if it didn't help.

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