I am just wondering if I am doing something wrong, since the context menu for my scheduler directive is not working. This is what I am doing.
- scheduler id="dp" daypilot-config="schedulerConfig" daypilot-events="events"></daypilot-scheduler>
$scope.schedulerConfig = {
contextMenu: new DayPilot.Menu({
items: [
{ text: "Edit", onclick: function () { alert('Edit'); } },
{ text: "Delete", onclick: function () { alert('Delete'); } } ]
The context menu appears when right clicking on an event, but when clicking on the menu item I receive the following errors:
Chrome: TypeError: Illegal invocation
FF: nodeType' getter called on an object that does not implement interface Node.
IE: Invalid calling object
Am I doing something wrong or is the context menu not working in combination with AngularJs?
Thanks for any advice.