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Export Calendar Month with different event colors

Asked by Craig Ritchie
6 years ago.

I set my event backColor in an onBeforeEventRender. I'm only using two different colors. Pretty typical stuff here and it works fine. But when I exportAs('png', {area: full}).download() all my events are just one color. From what I have observed it uses the color of the first event it encounters for all the events. So if the first event in the calendar is orange then all the events are orange.

I'm using the Angular 2+ component in DayPilot Pro v. 8.4.2911.

Also... I wonder about support for exportAs in the Angular 2+ component. The exportAs is not in the type definition and I used (<any>this.calendar.control).exportAs('png', {area: 'full'}).download(); to get around the TypeScript errors.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

The event colors should be already fixed in the latest sandbox version (since build 2936):

The TypeScript definitions [missing exportAs()] will be updated shortly.

Comment posted by Craig Ritchie
6 years ago.

That fixes the backColor but it is not honoring my fontColor choice any more. That was working in 2911. If I want all my events to have a fontColor of white should I do that in the onBeforeEventRender as well with args.e.fontColor = '#ffffff';?

Comment posted by Craig Ritchie
6 years ago.

Just installed 2951. fontColor is back to white. Issue closed.

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