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just update event without notification

Asked by Henner
6 years ago.


when calling, data)
do i have to end with .queue() or .notify()?

I just want to change the style or HTML or time of the event after getting the changes from the server side.
I don't want to send these changes back again to the server through the queue.

My understanding is that not calling .queue or .notify just simply updates the event item and not saving to any queue. Am i right?



Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
6 years ago.

Yes, correct.

The .queue() and .notify() calls are only necessary if you want to send an update to the server. If you just want to make a client-side change you don't need to call any of them.

Comment posted by Henner
6 years ago.

Thank you Dan for the answer. Updating single events or events changed since timestamp works great now.

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