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DPMonth TimeRangeSelectedHandling Callback Modal Popup

Asked by J Nigon
15 years ago.


I use the DPMonth OnTimeRangeSelected method to pop a modal window for editing/adding new events to the Month calendar.

I cannot get a Modal window to present OnTimeRangeSelected using the Callback method. It works correctly using the Postback method.

The modal window appears to work quickly via Postback, but I'm worried that I may experience performance issues post-DEMO/in Production.

Should I be ableto call the modal windowOnTimeRangeSelected using Callback? If so, do you know of any issues that would prevent the Callback method from working OnTimeRangeSelected?

Thanks for a great control! I'm constantly impressed with the depth of features.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
15 years ago.

I wouldn't be too afraid of the modal popup speed.

Anyway, with CallBack, it's only possible to fire DayPilot's internal server-side events. The callback request and resposne are handled exclusively by DayPilot control which initiated it - all attemps to change state of other controls will have no effect.

If you are really concerned about the speed track the modal popup request using Firefox and Firebug. You will see the full request and response. The only thing that could make it slow is the ViewState - if it's your case try to turn it off.

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