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Private events

Asked by iomega55
18 years ago.
I've modified a part of the daypilot, in which you can have private events, ie you can have a shared calendar, but some events just a few users can see, so throw an extra field you can show or not some events.
also, i have 3 kind of events:scheduled, reminder, pending for scheduling. Depending of this status I put in the left side a different color. At this moment we have just blue, but we can enrich having blue, green or red.

Dan, how can I send to you this changes for your evaluation?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
18 years ago.
This sounds interesting and shouldn't be so difficult to implement (i.e. I don't need your code - but thanks!).

The hardest point would be to integrate this into the API so it's not too disturbing to users that don't need it.

Thanks again for the idea!
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