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how to change navigator's selectmode from javascript?

Asked by Anonymous
14 years ago.
guys, i am using the calendar with navigator using callbacks and it works beautifully so far. the only problem is that i have two dropdowns for the user - one for changing the mode (day, week, work-week) and another for changing the selected personnel. i have hooked up both of these to fire the commandCallBack on the calendar, and the calendar updates just fine. however, i can't get the navigator to update whatsoever. i have tried every possible means (rebinding within callback, calling afterRender, etc), but nothing seems to work. is there any way i can update the navigator within a callback to reflect the right mode and personnel. thanks ken
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
14 years ago.

You can do it on the client side:

navigator.selectMode = 'day'; // 'month', 'week'

Then you may need to redraw the navigator to update change the existing selection.


Where navigator is the ClientObjectName value.

Comment posted by Anonymous
12 years ago.

callinf drawMonths() didn't work, but this did;

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