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Day Pilot Scheduler(Asp.Net) - When does the day end (Event Resize)?

Asked by Pavit
13 years ago.

Scheduler - When does the day end?


Im currently doing a trial of daypilot and it works almost perfectly.
However I have noticed some strange behaviour i would like to have explained so i can modify my code accordingly.
Take a look at your own demo:

Now lets first make a booking by drag'n drop using Event Resize (DayPilot Scheduler). Choose whatever resource and drag from september 3,2011 to september 6, 2011.
In the modal dialog the following dates will appear:
start: 2011-09-03T01:00:00
end: 2011-09-07T01:00:00

So it seems as the enddate is set to datetime 01:00 the day after september 6.
Now this is all fine as long as it is consistent.

Can you please explain whats going on here?

Thanks for your time!

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
13 years ago.

This url shows a demo for the Java version (

There is a bug in version 1.1.183. It's already fixed in the latest sandbox build:

This bug is not related to the ASP.NET version. Are you able to reproduce it in the ASP.NET demo?

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