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Time header on Scheduler is not showing !!!

Asked by nebojsha brindic
13 years ago.

Dear Sirs,

I am developing some internal application for my company, and I saw delicious daypilot scheduler control. I am it the development phase, and am trying to integrate this control in our system.

I downloaded the hotel booking demo, picked daypilot.dll from it, referenced it in my project, and everything went ok until today, when time headers stopped showing !!! In my code everything seems to be well, so tell me does someone of You faced similar problem?

Is there any time limit for using the DLL, or something else is causing this?

Please help, this is urgent!!!

Thanks in advance

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
13 years ago.

There is no internal limit in the trial version.

How does the corrupted view look like? Can you please send a screenshot to

You may want to try to upgrade to the latest trial version from - the hotel scheduling tutorial ( includes DayPilot 5.5 SP1 (see

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