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Display multiple lines in Month calendar

Asked by John K
13 years ago.

Has anyone been able to to expand an event that display on the month control to expand to multiple lines
to show the entire event description?

Thanks for any suggestions or solutions


Answer posted by Mathi
13 years ago.

U meant Daypilot Month Right? If so, In properties, Change EventFontSize:200(For Example). Then Do one more thing EventStackingMode :cell.
It should be multiline.(In Expected Format.)

Comment posted by John
13 years ago.

Yes, I did mean Daypilot Month. Gave that idea a try, but that didn't seem to do it.

I was hoping that if an event title is long is would cause the event to expand to allow two rows to show the full
text of the event. Right now it just displays whatever can fit in the give event size.

Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

thanks for the assistance.

Comment posted by Steve
12 years ago.

Any solution to this? I also would like to be able to put more text into each even in the month calendar. I currently show the start and end time and ll it leaves left is room for a few characters between the times. I have a hover/popup dialog with details but not the best for a quick glance at more detail.

Comment posted by Steve
12 years ago.
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