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DayPilotBubble1_RenderContent in VB

Asked by Anonymous
12 years ago.

Please, could you help to translate this hereafter to VB, specially "e is RenderEventBubbleEventArgs"

Thanks for your help !

protected void DayPilotBubble1_RenderContent(object sender, RenderEventArgs e)
if (e is RenderEventBubbleEventArgs)
RenderEventBubbleEventArgs re = e as RenderEventBubbleEventArgs;
re.InnerHTML = "<b>Event details</b><br />Here is the right place to show details about the event with ID: " + re.Value + ". This text is loaded dynamically from the server.<br/><b>Double-click the event to enter inline edit mode.</b>";
else if (e is RenderTimeBubbleEventArgs)
RenderTimeBubbleEventArgs re = e as RenderTimeBubbleEventArgs;
e.InnerHTML = "<b>Time header details</b><br />From:" + re.Start + "<br />To: " + re.End;
else if (e is RenderCellBubbleEventArgs)
RenderCellBubbleEventArgs re = e as RenderCellBubbleEventArgs;
e.InnerHTML = "<b>Cell details</b><br />Column:" + re.ResourceId + "<br />From:" + re.Start + "<br />To: " + re.End;

Answer posted by Richard
12 years ago.

The direct equivalent of "e is MyType" would be "TypeOf e Is MyType":

If TypeOf e Is RenderEventBubbleEventArgs Then
Dim re As RenderEventBubbleEventArgs = TryCast(e, RenderEventBubbleEventArgs)

However, the original code is inefficient, as it attempts to cast the value twice for each type. It would be better to use:

var reb = e as RenderBubbleEventArgs;
if (reb != null)

which would translate as:

Dim reb As RenderEventBubbleEventArgs = TryCast(e, RenderEventBubbleEventArgs)
If reb IsNot Nothing Then
End If

Answer posted by Anonymous
12 years ago.

Thank you for your answer! It works fine !

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