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IE 8 - Events not resizing

Asked by John
11 years ago.

Hi there,

First off, thanks for all of your hard work on the product, it's great!

I have an urgent issue... I just bought the product and it seems the latest version has a bug in IE 8.

I can't resize events on a calendar (day view) using IE 8.

It doesn't work when I access your URL here using IE 8:

It does* work when I used firefox or IE 9.

Is there some setting that needs to be in place for IE 8?

I swapped the (DayPilot.dll 6.7.2431.1) to (DayPilot.dll 6.9.2505.0) and the resizing events stopped working. Is it possible to get a copy of the 'pro' version of (DayPilot.dll 6.7.2431.1) ... just to get me through for this release?

My customer email is:



Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.


This issue is now fixed in 6.9 SP2 release:

Thanks for reporting the issue.

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