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IE 8 + 11 Problem: No Events

Asked by Daniel
10 years ago.


same Problem on IE 8 and IE 11.

Scheduler is showing the resources. But no Events.
Your Demo ( is working!

Theme is scheduler_8.css.

  • > problem with a css?
  • > problem with "incorrect" created events? how to debug?


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

It looks like the problem is the timeline. As far as I can see the time header doesn't include any cells.

You can check whether this is a display-only issue by checking dps.itline array in the console. It's an array that defines the timeline. If it's empty it means there is a problem with the definition (e.g. days == 0). It it contains valid items there is a problem with the view (CSS, possibly).

For view issues you can try updating the theme (copy it from the latest release or create a new one using the theme builder at .

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