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Tooltip on column

Asked by Sunil
16 years ago.

I am using daypilot 3.5.2 andhaving a requirement where i need to show some data in form of tooltip on individual column. At present, we can show tooltip only when there is some data populated in the column.Just wanted to know if I could show some sort of tooltip on individual column without any data present in the columns.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
In DayPilot Pro 3.7, there will be a chance to modify the column header using BeforeHeaderRender. It will be also possible to set ToolTip for the column header. Will that solve your problem?
Comment posted by sunil
16 years ago.
Yes, thats the requirement. Again , to provide you with the requirement, If I have a Column with Header text "Metting Room". Now, I want to add a tooltip to it, like, "This is a wonderful meeting room.". This is what I am looking for.Thanks for your reply.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
OK. In addition to the ToolTip there will be two new features related to the headers in DayPilot Pro 3.7:
  • Custom header HTML (you will be able to replace the standard text with your own text, add images, etc.)
  • The header will be clickable (with JavaScript, PostBack, and CallBack handling).
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