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Conditional drags crashes scheduler

Asked by Byron D
2 years ago.

I am creating conditional drag where if I drag a scheduled or unscheduled item to the calendar where the date is in the past. A confirmation box will appear if I click no the item should return to its original position, otherwise it would proceed as normal. When I click no item doesn't return to original position and it freezes in new location and is greyed out. Any help?

onEventMove: async (args) => { 
        args.async = true;
        const groupSplit = args.newResource.split('-');
     if (Number( !== Number(groupSplit[1]) ){
        DayPilot.Modal.alert('Error occurred while assigning the task. Please assign task to correct group.');

    const date = new Date(args.newStart) // date of item

    const now = new Date().setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); // today's date

    if (now > date) {

        const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.confirm("Are you sure?");

        if (!modal.canceled) {
            calendarApp.assignTaskDnD(args.e, args.newStart, args.newEnd, args.newResource, args);  

        // item doesn't return to original position. It freezes in new location and is grayed out.
    } else {
        calendarApp.assignTaskDnD(args.e, args.newStart, args.newEnd, args.newResource, args);
Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
2 years ago.

There are a couple of issues with this example:

1. If you set args.async = true, you must call args.loaded() in every code path. Otherwise the dragging operation will remain active.

  • The first "if" block returns without calling args.loaded().
  • If you cancel the modal dialog (modal.canceled === true) it doesn't call args.loaded().

2. If you want to cancel the default action, you must call args.preventDefault() before args.loaded().

3. The JavaScript Date objects can't be compared using ">" operator. You need to compare the millisecond value returned by getTime().

Direct comparison using < > and === operators is only supported for DayPilot.Date objects. DayPilot.Date was intentionally designed to work this way:

You could rewrite it like this to make it work:

onEventMove: async (args) => { 
     const groupSplit = args.newResource.split('-');
     if (Number( !== Number(groupSplit[1]) ){
        DayPilot.Modal.alert('Error occurred while assigning the task. Please assign task to correct group.');

    if ( > args.newStart) {
        args.async = true;
        const modal = await DayPilot.Modal.confirm("Are you sure?");
        if (modal.canceled) {
        else {
            calendarApp.assignTaskDnD(args.e, args.newStart, args.newEnd, args.newResource, args);             
    } else {
        calendarApp.assignTaskDnD(args.e, args.newStart, args.newEnd, args.newResource, args);
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