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Gantt Chart - the html(img) is not rendering on the gantt view.

Asked by Bikram Jeet Singh
1 year ago.


I am using the Gantt Chart view to view tasks, and rendering the image of person that is the task assignedTo.
I did that by both the ways
1. creating a task and by new "DayPilot.Task" and passing the html to box.htmlRight
2. and in the "onBeforeTaskRender".

The issue is that the image is appearing as broken.

Thank you

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

I recommend checking the DOM element using browser developer tools.

If you see a broken image icon, the image path may be incorrect.

Comment posted by Bikram Jeet Singh
1 year ago.

The image path is also correct and opening

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

The Gantt Chart component doesn't do any magic with the provided HTML (box.htmlRight). It simply shows what you define.

If it doesn't show what you expect, I recommend double-checking the result directly in the browser (not in the source code) to see what is going on.

Comment posted by Bikram Jeet Singh
1 year ago.

Yes, correct. Thank you for the quick response.

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