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daypilotcalendar for multiple users

Asked by sree
11 years ago.


Can we use a single daypilotcalendar to display the calendar of multiple users. Main intention is I have to display the calendar of all the people for a particular day. Right now i am trying with daypilotcalendar trial version . And i am creating dynamically the daypilotcalendar. But it is generating the issue, if the no. of Users exceeds 30 as i am creating daypilotcalendar for every single user by basing on their number. Is there any solution please suggest me.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

If you want to show calendars for 30 or more users it is definitely better to switch to daypilot scheduler which displays the resources (people) on the vertical axis:

While it is possible to display the resources side-by-side in the calendar you will soon hit the display limits (especially when you have concurrent events in one column):

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