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Modal does not exist

Asked by Robin Grogan
11 years ago.


I have placed a scheduler on my page and am trying to walk through the tutorial of the hotel room project.

I am working in VS2010 (webforms) and have created a new App_Code folder and placed the modal.cs file underneat h it, yet I am receiving an error of "The name 'Modal' does not exist in the current context'.
I have also made sure that the namespace items are the same.

Can someone please tell me how to correct this?


Comment posted by Mike
11 years ago.

I'm sure you already found an answer to this but I was just having the same issue and fixed it myself. Instead of creating an App_Code folder in your project just create one called Code. Move the 'Modal' to there and delete the other one. It's working for me so far.

Hope this helps.

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