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Event Color customizing issue

Asked by nok
10 years ago.


i set CssClassPrefix="calendar_blue" and CssOnly="true"
and im trying event color looks difference when they have each other class name.

so what i did is...

i made some classes,(name is color01~20),
and i used before eventrender like this.

protected void dpMon_BeforeEventRender(object sender, DayPilot.Web.Ui.Events.Month.BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
e.CssClass = "color03";
(same way as calendar control)

but result is like capture file i attached
there is more div tag in div tag i added class name using BeforeEventRender.

i guess it is because i use CssOnly="true" but it is not :( just like same when i set false this

is this way wrong?
what is the best way to customizing event class?(i want to customize not only background but also font color, font size)

please let me advise
thank you!

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