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Permissions on Scheduler

Asked by Andy Woodward
11 years ago.


I want to restrict permissions in my Scheduler. I am using windows authentication. I have restricted the permissions on Edit & New by moving these files into a folder called Administration and adding a new wen.config file restricting access using Active Directory.

I now want to restrict access to EventMove and EventResize.

How do I do this from within the method? or is there another way to do this


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

The best way to do this is to set EventMoveHandling and EventResizeHandling valu depending on the permission check.

The default value is "Disabled" which will work for read-only scenarios. If the user has the correct permissions, you should change it to "CallBack", "PostBack", "Notify" or "JavaScript" in Page_Load:

// ...
if (CanModify) {
  DayPilotScheduler1.EventMoveHandling = UserActionHandling.CallBack;
  DayPilotScheduler1.EventResizeHandling = UserActionHandling.CallBack;
// ...

Remember to check the permissions in the EventMove and EventResize handlers as well.

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