Thanks for the excellent work you are doing. Keep it up...
Now straight to the issue. While moving or resizing events, they always snap to the grid. Can we move or resize the events without them snapping to the grid, especially in daypilot schedular?
e.g. The grid is displaying hours splitted into 15 mins interval. I would like to move an event from 10:45~11:15 to 10:53~11:23 Currently when I try to do this, it moves directly to 11:00~11:30.
Similar case is happening for resizing.
Also, while moving the event, can we restrict horizontal or vertical move by detecting the shift/Ctrl key pressed while moving? e.g. Shift+move will allow movement only in vertical axis.
I am specifically interested in these features with respect to daypilot schedular....
Thanks once again....