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Scheduler Time Range Configuration

Asked by Anonymous
1 year ago.

Hello everyone,

I am currently developing a project using the Scheduler component. I have encountered a problem when trying to configure the time range in my scheduler.

In my use case, I need to display a scheduler that covers several days, but each day only needs to show a particular time window. For instance, I want to show a full week schedule, but only from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM each day. I have been struggling to implement this feature.

Currently, the scheduler I have set up displays all 24 hours for each day. I am using the startDate and days properties to set the range of dates, but I'm unable to figure out how to limit the hours that are displayed each day.

Here's a snippet of my current configuration:

const dp = new DayPilot.Scheduler("dp", {
  startDate: "2023-06-01",
  days: 7,
  scale: "CellDuration",
  cellDuration: 60

In my understanding, the cellDuration property adjusts the duration of each time slot, but it doesn't seem to restrict the hours that are displayed each day.

Could anyone guide me on how to limit the hours displayed each day in the scheduler? Any suggestions or guidance would be highly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
1 year ago.

There are two ways to solve it:

1. You can define business hours using the businessBeginsHour and businessEndsHour properties and set showNonBusiness to false (see also hiding non-business hours):

const dp = new DayPilot.Scheduler("dp", {
    businessBeginsHour: 8,
    businessEndsHour: 18,
    showNonBusiness: false
    // ... add your other options here


2. You can hide selected time columns using the onIncludeTimeCell event handler:

const dp = new DayPilot.Scheduler("dp", {
    onIncludeTimeCell: args => {
      if (args.cell.start.getHours() < 8 || args.cell.end.getHours() > 18) {
        args.cell.visible = false;
    // ... add your other options here


The onIncludeTimeCell event is more flexible and you can use it to cover more complex scenarios (e.g. irregular working hours).

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