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Error with attribut "cellgroupby" And "scale"

Asked by Rolf Petersen
8 years ago.

Hi I am trying to get the scheduler work on my page.
Now I have trouble with the "cellgroupby" from the Demo. My intellisense says no valid attribute of daypilot-scheduler. What am I doing wrong?
(btw: "scale" is same error. I need to cellgroupby "Month" and scale="week" as in the demo)
(having net 4.5, coding is vb and lates daypilot-lite download)
Thanks for any Help

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

It looks like you are using the Lite (open-source) version that doesn't support these features. See also the "Availability" table at the bottom of the documentation pages:

The Lite version only supports one time header row and the time header cells always match the grid cell size (set using CellDuration).

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