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Prevent Adjusting Start and Prevent End being Adjusted to less than certain date

Asked by Graeme
11 years ago.

Is it possible to define that an event can't be adjusted before a certain e.g. It is March and there is a 3 month event we don't want to let anything be changed before start of March?

So it's end could be extended or end changed to the start of march but its start can't be adjusted or end made to some point in February?

Different events would require different rules.


Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

At this moment there is no way to apply such limitations on the client side during the drag and drop operation but you can check the rules on the server side in the OnEventResize and/or OnEventMove operation. If it doesn't meet the rules you can deny the action and notify the user using UpdateWithMessage() call.

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