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set event hight in OnBevoreEventRender

Asked by Horst Kroener
11 years ago.

since Version 7.7 it should be possible to set the EventHight by CSS right?
in the OnBevoreEventRender it is possible to selevt a CssClass for a Event.

but whatever i try, it is ignored.

is there an example how the CSS has to look like to set different Event hights dynamically in MonthCalendar?

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

DayPilot Month uses the same event height for all events. You can set it using the CSS theme but it is still the global height.

Using a different height for each of the events would make the multi-day events stacking impossible. I understand that there are scenarios where you don't need multi-day events but you need the event height to stretch automatically (or to be customizable) but this is not implemented yet.

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