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DayPilotCalendar : Resource view : possible to see timeline in x axis ??

Asked by Maxime
17 years ago.

I would like to know if it's possible to see a timeline (by days and/or weeks, etc) on the x axis, in DayPilotCalendar, in resources view ?

I don't want to use daypilotscheduler because I want my resources vertically.

------------------------------Day 1 --------------------------|----------------------Day 2---------------------------------
|Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 | Resource 1 | Resource 2 | Resource 3 |
| | | | | | |

Thank you,

Comment posted by Craig
17 years ago.

I'm also wondering if this is possible. This is a very powerful view to have.



Comment posted by Maxime
17 years ago.
In fact, does my question is the F26 - Resources-days view in the roadmap planned for December 1 ?

Also, I would like to know the difference between F13 - Multiple columns per day and F26.

Best regards,

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
What you describe is in the roadmap as F13 - Multiple columns per day and it will be scheduled for 4.5 release (1 February 2008).
F26 Resources-days view is a modification of month view that shows resources on one axis and days on the other axis (one day per cell). But this feature is on hold at the moment because you can achieve this using the DayPilotScheduler control (although you can't switch the axes).
Comment posted by Craig
17 years ago.

Great - Thanks Dan. We will be purchasing your control soon.

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