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CSS Support / Additional data for events

Asked by crazy-weasel
18 years ago.
Hi. Great control, but two additional features would be nice: * (Better) CSS support CSS classes instead of style-attributes would be nice! Advantages: less html code, better readability of generated html, ... * More (at least one) data for events.. I would like to display more than just a "title" and the date of the event. Something like a description field would be nice. Example: Eventname: Birthdayparty Eventstart: 01.01.2008 18:00 Eventend: 02.01.2008 23:00 Eventdescription: blahblah birthdayparty .. blahblah .. fun fun .. Rendered: ----------------- - - - | Birthdayparty (18:00 - 23:00) | blahblah birthdayparty .. blahblah .. fun fun .. --------------------------- - - - Sincerely yours, Alex
Comment posted by crazy-weasel
18 years ago.
Oh, sorry.. didn't know that there is no linebreaking without html code.. Just look into the html code.. there it is nice formated. :)
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
18 years ago.
I think I get it even without the line breaks. ;-)

1. CSS classes. Hmmm, CSS classes are really useful when you create a website. But here, I usually only use a style in one place. Custom changes of styles made by the user (developer) would be difficult anyway as there are too many dependencies and specific browser tweaks. So the only benefit I can see is smaller HTML output. If you are going to sponsor that, fine, let me know.

2. More event data. I think the best way to solve this would be to create an event that would be called for rendering custom event content, something like System.Web.Ui.WebControls.Calendar.DayRender.
Comment posted by crazy-weasel
18 years ago.
Okay, css classes aren't that important, and different styles within one website can be implemented with themes and skin files.

Event Data / DayRender
Do you implement such feature into your next release?
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
18 years ago.
Yes, I'd like to include it soon.
Comment posted by crazy-weasel
18 years ago.
cool.. :)
Comment posted by Gourav Rana
17 years ago.
Please let me know do u add this feature in 2.1 sp3 version or in any free source version.i need it very urgently.
or give me suggestion how to achieve it.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
This feature won't be available in DayPilot Lite.

If you need the feature you can tweak DayPilot Lite yourself or buy DayPilot Pro. I believe DayPilot Pro is worth the money - you don't have to spend your valuable time modifying code that was written by someone else and you will get a lot of new features in the near future - see the roadmap.
Comment posted by Gourav Rana
17 years ago.
i am an trainee programmer in india i cant afford ur daypilot pro.
can u give me free suggestion.
by the way u already give me lot of help thanks.

You are from which country.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
Sorry, I can only recommend studying the source code of DayPilot Lite.
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