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Prevent moving between resources

Asked by Bogdan
9 years ago.


How Can I prevent event moving between two resources?

Let's suppose that I have a resource id (1)

if (args.e.resource() == 1 && args.newResource == 1){
//do the moving

The problem is that args.e.resource() takes the resource id of the destination, so when I move the event into resource 1 it'll always work.

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

You should set .moveVDisabled property of the event to true:

You can do it directly in event data object or using onBeforeEventRender event handler.

Comment posted by Bogdan
9 years ago.


Thank you, that solved my question. Besides start, end, id, resource, text, toolTip, backColor, moveVDisabled, moveHDisabled what other properties I can set?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
9 years ago.

You can find the list of supported properties here:

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