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Events in the Calendar header

Asked by Anonymous
17 years ago.

Dear Dan!

In the OnLine Demo of the Calendar I see events in the header section. How can I create events like that? Is that possible to drag and drop them to the main section?



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
These are events that are marked as "all-day" events.

In order to enable it you need to do the following:
  • Specify the data source field in DataAllDayField (all-day events will have true value in that field).
  • Turn on the all-day header by setting ShowAllDayEvents to true.
You can use the following properties to tune the appearance:
  • AllDayEventHeight will specify the all-day event box height. The total all-day header height will be stretched to show all the all-day events.
  • AllDayEventBackColor specifies the background color of the event boxes.
At this moment, all-day events have some limitations:
  • It's not possible to move and resize them (including drag&drop from the time table or from outside of the calendar).
  • It's not possible to select them (when EventClickHandling="Select").
  • It's not possible to edit the text inline.
Passive event-related events are allowed:
  • EventClick
  • EventRightClick
  • EventContextMenuClick (context menu is supported)
Basically, it's a read-only area at the moment. I would like to extend the support in the future but I can't give a specific date at the moment (2-3 months).
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