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Scroll horizontally in resources view

Asked by Alex
17 years ago.

I am currently using the resources view to show individuals in each column, however I have found when deployed in some situations we have groups of individuals so large that the resources view columns are cramped up so close the text is hard to read.

What would be nice is if you could set a minimum width for all colums, so that if there are so many columnsthat by trying to fit them all into the daypilot width each column would be reduced to below that width, the grid could scroll horizontally.

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
17 years ago.
I would like to allow a horizontal scrollbar as well in one of the future versions.

By that time, you can try specifying the Width in pixels instead of percent. That way you would have to use the browser scrollbar to show the rest of the calendar.

You can also try placing such a calendar inside a div with scrollbars enabled: <div style="overflow:auto; width: 800px"><DayPilot:DayPilotCalendar .... /></div>.

That will enable the horizontal scrollbar. The only drawback is that you will loose the hour header on the left side when scrolling.
Comment posted by Mike
16 years ago.
Do you have any plans for this feature in the near future? We are currently using the div overflow workaround you mentioned, but losing the hours when scrolling to the right is less than ideal. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.
I'm planning a major rewrite of DayPilotCalendar within approximately 6 months. The horizontal scrolling should be included. But that means that it won't be available until that rewrite.
Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

This feature is scheduled for DayPilot Pro 5.2 (January 1, 2009).

Comment posted by Lee
16 years ago.

Is the new release still on schedule for Jan 2009? If so, is it likely to be the beginning or the end of Jan? We particularly need the horizontal scrolling as soon as possible in the New Year.



Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

It will rather be the second half of January.

Comment posted by Subba
16 years ago.

Is this feature still on track? We have a release on Jan 18th and would like to know whether we can proceed with the control purchase and integration into our application. We did some work with the free trial and liked the features of this control except for the fact that we have a large number of clients that have a lot of resources and the current way of loosing the time header is not acceptable.

Also, what is the status on Time header scaling? Is it scheduled for 5.2 or 5.3?

Comment posted by Dan Letecky
16 years ago.

Sorry for the delay.

I had to postpone the DayPilot Calendar rewrite to 5.3 (Februrary). I will check if it's possible to add the horizontal scrollbar independently, but I can't guarantee it will be available before January, 18.

The time header scaling will be available in 5.3.

However, it will be inefficient to show a lot of resources horizontally using DayPilot Calendar. DayPilot Scheduler would perform much better - have you considered using the Scheduler instead? It would help with the time scaling as well.

Comment posted by Subba
16 years ago.

Thanks for your reply.

Medical Offices are typically used to seeing the Hour Header Vertically and resources horizontally. It will be a cultural shock for them to switch to a typical scheduler type of view and will put our customer service people thru the ringer:-)

We will wait for 5.3 release to come out and plan our appointments scheduler enhancement release accordingly.

We liked the control very much and we feel that instead of investing our development resources in reinventing the wheel, we rather focus on some of our clinically important enhancements and wait for your 5.3 release to buy the control.

Comment posted by Lokesh
14 years ago.
Hi, I have installed the latest DayPilot AJAX Calendar(5.8.1956). I am try to enable the horizontal scroll in resources view. I couldnt do that since there is no such property exposed. Is this feature avaialable with this release? If yes, please tell me how to do this. If no, please tell me when can we expect this feature Thanks Lokesh
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