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Horizontal Scrolling - Daypilot Calendar Resource View

Asked by Greg
12 years ago.

I was able to get the resource view to show the column widths i wanted by setting the width of the control to 120*[the number of columns i created] however the only way for me to get the scrolling to work horizontally was to put a div tag around the control. The problem with that is the time bar/column on the left of the control scrolls out of view.

Is there a built in way to set the width of the columns and freeze the left side times and get the events and the column headers to scroll horizontally?

I'm using DayPilotProTrial-7.1.2739

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
11 years ago.

Since DayPilot Pro for ASP.NET WebForms 7.5 you can use the fixed column mode.

It will display the calendar columns with fixed width (ColumnWidth property) and a horizontal scrollbar will be added if needed. The calendar headers will stay in place during scrolling.

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