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Menu Child Menu Stuck Open

Asked by Lucas
8 years ago.

So, I have a child context menu. If I click on the parent menu item before the child is rendered, the parent menu goes away and the child menu is shown. I have no way to make the child menu go away without refreshing the page. Below is my menu config:

contextMenu: new DayPilot.Menu({
items: [
text: "Update Status", items: [
{ text: "Unconfirmed", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Confirmed", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Checked In", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Missed", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Cancelled", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Being Seen", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Checked Out", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Rescheduled", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "In Room", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "MA READY", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "MA Time", onclick: function () { } },
{ text: "Care Coordination", onclick: function () { } }
{ text: "-" },
{ text: "Delete Appointment", onclick: function () { } }
cssClassPrefix: "menu_default"

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