I have seen the tutorials for confirming delete fra asp. But it does not seem to apply for java-version, or most likely there is just some little tweek i have not found yet.
This is my code:
dps.contextMenu = new DayPilot.Menu([
{text:"Show event ID", onclick: function() {
alert("Event value: " + this.source.value());
} },
{text:"Slett", command:"delete", onclick: function() {
if(confirm('Er du sikker?')){
dps.eventMenuClickCallBack(this.e, 'delete', this.source());
} },
{text:"CallBack: Delete this event", command: "delete" }
The callback without confirmation works fine. But with confirmation it does not work at all. Apparently i am sending the wrong parameters to dps.eventMenuClickCallBack. I have tried a lot of different parameters, but i cant find the correct combination.
Some pointers would be nice:)