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Is there an event/hook that tells me when onBeforeHeaderRender(s) are done?

Asked by Dan
8 years ago.

onBeforeHeaderRender gets called for each day when using Daypilot Calendar.

Is there a hook/event I can use to know when its done being called?

There is onAfterRender event but that only gets called the first time that the calendar loads. I need an event that fire each time new data comes in and fires off the series of onBeforeHeaderRender(s).

Answer posted by Dan Letecky [DayPilot]
8 years ago.

Since build 8.1.1903, the onAfterRender event is fired during update as well. You can download the latest build in the sandbox:

The args.isUpdate parameter will be set to true:

dp.onAfterRender = function(args) {
  if (args.isUpdate) {
    console.log("onAfterRender fired during update");
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