How to get the calendar cells and change the calendar background colorfrom a specific Event?
so when Event takes: 9.00--10.00 am only this cells in the calendar should be colored red.
to start with:
protected void DayPilotCalendar1_BeforeEventRender(object sender, BeforeEventRenderEventArgs e)
if (e.Value != "")
if (e.Special)
e.DurationBarColor = SoortColor.Color2; //purple when special event
//1 get the timeperiod of the event.(e.end and e.start)
// 2 loopthrough the cells from this period in the calendar (??)
//3 if calendar is still yellow background in this periode, make it red background
(e.BackgroundColor = SoortColor.Color1;)
- where SoortColor.Color1 is a string of a color code
- the reason why I do it in this method because earlier i can't determine if the day is ''full'' of the events.
Can somebody help me with the 3 steps above?